Captains Courageous

This would be the perfect book for Ortica, weren’t it for the fact that he ignores every hint i give him, and every book i give him to read to see if some culture could find its way in that hard head.
On board, we don’t have spoiled kids fell from a luxury liner after drinking alcohol for the first time  and who got rescued  and now have to be taught how to live in the world: maybe you do.
This book is to be considered one of the best of Rudyard Kipling along with The Jungle Books, (his too) and surely is one of the most useful “growing books”  of the century.
Kipling was born in the english colonies of central india, and the colonies staid in his heart all his life, and that’s why he wrote so much of India and its exotic marvels.
And do not think that this book has nothing to teach you just because you happen to be adults, ye land lubbers!

Have a nice read, and do not expect too happy an ending. Grandiose, yeah, but not happy. Mr Kipling, after all, was a realist. How do you think the Jungle Book really ends? I’ll let you think about it. Anyway, in this weather, reading is the best activity.

Captain Gord.