Dear Corto Maltese….

“i am no hero, i like to travel and i have no love for rules, bar one: not betraying friends.
I looked for many treasures without ever finding one, but i will keep on looking, you can count on it.. just a little further…” Corto Maltese

The indies, the caribbean, malta, tunis, Algeria, venice and the english navy, voodoo witches, pictia seers, lost historians and renowned pirates.

Corto Maltese is the lover and the husband of the southern seas.

A comic with a certain weight, and still with a light heart; Corto is an anti-hero, filled with self-confidence, born and raised as a sailor and a sailor’s son in Malta, living of adventure and rewards, seen by friend and foe as a romantic bastard with no fear nor scruple, but with a sweet spot making him the hero he is instead than a complete scoundrel. He is an enemy of us pirates, but he is high enough in our esteem that it is more of an honour than a disgrace having him for an enemy.

Hugo pratt, his creator, said that Corto and his crew knew much more than he did about chemistry, history and the occult, he wrote his adventures travelling the world as Hemingway did, and drew them sitting on the redaction’s staircase, with only a black marker and a white scrapbook.
Corto is the essence of romantic adventure, the last hero, the last sailor, the last frontier of sea adventure ,and we love him as such.

Happy reading,

Captain Gord.